Launching Procore’s Connected Preconstruction

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As the construction industry evolves, the boundaries between preconstruction and project execution are blurred. The industry has transitioned from a linear process with distinct boundaries between functions to a more integrated approach where coordination between teams is crucial. The big question is: How have the technology and tools relied on by preconstruction professionals kept pace with this evolution?  

Historically, multiple disconnected solutions have been the norm in preconstruction, stifling collaboration between teams, hindering productivity, and impeding the flow of information. The 2022 State of Global Preconstruction Report by Procore and FMI revealed that only 38% of organizations are satisfied with their preconstruction technology. Respondents cited the increasing complexity of projects, accelerated delivery schedules, and supply chain shortages that are the reality of our current market as reasons to invest in preconstruction. Those that invest in preconstruction have a competitive advantage. That same study revealed that organizations with effective preconstruction are likely to report 65% less rework, 52% more profitability and 35% less delays.  

Introducing Connected Preconstruction by Procore

Procore is addressing these challenges with connected preconstruction. Connected preconstruction unifies key preconstruction processes, such as BIM, Coordination, Estimating, Bidding and more, on one centralized platform. This will help facilitate collaboration, streamline and automate processes, centralize access to data, and improve project outcomes.

Facilitating Collaboration

Here’s an example of how Procore connects common preconstruction activities from conception to project execution. 

A general contractor can access historical data within Procore to develop an initial preliminary estimate. Using this historical data, they might recommend a design change to the owner to save money. Because of Procore’s connected workflow, the architect can make the design change in the model and upload a revision into the documents tool, making it instantly available to the entire team. This helps eliminate silos between teams and gives everyone access to the same source of truth, allowing for real-time issue management and collaboration.

Streamlining and Automating Processes

Tap into multiple tools without having to open and close multiple solutions. Plans, models, specifications, and other documents are all available in the same place and can be used to create take-offs in both 2D and 3D. Those takeoffs can quickly be turned into a Cost estimate, which can be tied to a catalog of costs.

Leveraging Procore’s unique integration between Bidding & Estimating, users can automatically create bid scope directly from the preliminary estimate, helping eliminate hours of redundant work and ensuring a consistent data structure across preconstruction. 

Centralizing Data

Adding a preferred list of bidders to the project and finding new partners is simple and fast. Now, users can quickly see which specialty contractors are prequalified directly within Bidding because of Procore’s integration with Compass, and add them to the project. 

When additional coverage is needed, users can access the Procore Construction Network directly within Bidding to find new partners and invite them to prequalify and bid.  

During bid leveling, prequalification and past project data are visible in Procore to add additional insight. Access to a centralized data source during these critical preconstruction stages empowers teams to make well-informed hiring decisions and reduce project risk. 

Selected bids can be easily synced back into the estimate to automatically update cost data, and automate the creation of contracts, eliminating manual entry and saving valuable time. Once the estimate is ready for the project team, the estimate can then be leveraged to automatically populate the project budget and streamline the transition from preconstruction to project execution. By automating processes, centralizing data, and eliminating redundant tasks, users are able to save valuable time, minimize errors, and improve project outcomes.

It’s important to recognize that the true impact of preconstruction extends beyond this initial phase. Procore is uniquely positioned to drive better collaboration, streamline and automate processes, and provide greater insights into data. Procore’s Preconstruction solutions are part of the Procore Platform—the same platform construction professionals rely on for Project Execution and Financial Management. This integration helps ensure that information flows throughout all phases of construction, breaking down silos and fostering better collaboration for more successful projects. 

In a rapidly evolving industry, connected preconstruction is a beacon for innovation, revolutionizing how preconstruction is approached. By connecting processes, enhancing collaboration, and centralizing data, it paves the way for a new era of integrated projects. Watch this video to learn more:

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